...there was internet. Yes, almost a week after the garbage truck took down our overhead cables, internet was finally restored to our house. Insult was added to injury when the technician told me about a nearby apartment that didn't have reception for an entire weekend when a dump truck at a construction site across the street took down their lines. I wonder how their service was restored so quickly. Never mind, it's over and here I am.
Two good things: most important is that after long delay, we were finally able to receive our first Pfizer vaccine. Canada, without the ability to produce its own vaccines, contracted with providers in the UK, Europe, the US and India. Given the disastrous covid conditions in those areas, shipments were diverted to their own populations, leaving Canada mostly vaccine free. As supplies dribbled in, an age based system was implemented. Although we are four years apart in age, C had his on Monday and mine was on Tuesday. That was a step in the right direction as I was feeling the length of isolation when we hit the 400 day mark this week. It's frustrating sticking to the rules while restrictions continue to tighten as the result of those who don't.
Now Canada is in a race: vaccine vs the virus. We haven't hit the point where the numbers are going down as the result of mass inoculations. Comparatively our stats are better than other North American regions. I heard an interesting stat: the populations of the state of Minnesota and the Province of BC are comparable, however, the number of covid deaths in MN total 7100, while in BC we're at 1550.
The second good thing was the amazing summer-like weather we've been enjoying. Lots of opportunities for bike rides, walks and deck time.
This painting, from my last class with David R Smith fits the conversation. It's a summer scene in Northern Minnesota.