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November 30, 2012



I'm so sorry about your friend. It's hard enough to lose a parent but when our friends go, too, it's just terrible. I felt like I was drowning in my grief when my friend Debbie was killed, and you're right, the void remains so that we remember.

Margaret Smith

So sorry to hear about your friend - what a nice thought to do the shawl - it's lovely. Seems that it has helped you and his wife. You are so right - life is short.


I'm very sorry to hear of the loss of your loved ones.

Rosemary Foti

I was so sorry to hear about Michael's loss. I first saw it on Facebook. He was so talented and I have his cd that he signed and gave to me at Elina's wedding. It is a big loss to his family and a big loss of a great talent!! Rosie

Rosemary Foti

The shawl is just beautiful and a such a thoughtful gift!!! I am sure the receipient will be so delighted. Each stitch was knit with love and thoughtfulness.
By the way I taught eighth grade today!!! Oy, they were a lively, active, chatty bunch. I had to
be "on my toes" every minute to keep them in line.


I'm sorry that you've had so many losses this year. Each loss is difficult, but having them bunch up like that leaves no room for recovery. And I do believe we can recover. There will always be tha that hole, but we can go on and live a new life as we cope with the absence in that life of one we loved. Blessings on you.


Beautiful shawl; I'm glad it helped with your loss.


The heart knows how to seek comfort.

Knitting Needle Sizes

Beautiful blue shawl! I'm very sorry to hear about your friend, we all know that life is too short. By the way, thanks to the pattern that you shared. Your shawl is truly beautiful and lovely.


Tears tears tears.

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