After all, it is a knitting blog. I know I've said that before, but the summer has posed a serious digression from the blog's intent.
Tid bit #1. Look at this cutie:
She accompanied her parents to our house for dinner. Chuck, the dutiful host, took her on a tour to show her the locations of the bathroom, TV, computer, everything of importance to a three-year-old. Going by the knitting room he decided to engage her in a discussion about colour. WIth each open drawer, those saucer eyes became dinner plates. She took a deep breath and exclaimed "You've got too much strings!" Out of the mouths of babes.
2. Number two goes to Robbie, the visiting Cairn terrier. Now Gracee, the Scot, when it comes to other dogs, behaves in diametric opposition: she bares her teeth or is utterly indifferent. Almost ten-years-old this dog showed us a new trick. She stood in the middle of the living room emitting non-stop serial barks. Ruff...ruff...ruff...ruff. Little Robbie, also a Scot, calmly walked around her and very confidently proceeded to pee on my knitting basket. "So there" thought he. Now I know why I store my projects in baggies.
3. The third bit of knitting tid is actually about crocheting. I remember in 7th grade English that being called artistic license. Thank you Sister Marion. You remember Robbie, from Number two above. Maybe that should have been Number one, considering the circumstances. Robbie's owners had just returned from visiting an elderly aunt who gifted them with a collection of historic family photos. This one caught my eye immediately. Auntie in her hand crocheted sweater circa the 1930's:
Both beautiful, the aunt and her sweater. Don't you think? I wonder if she was posing for her FO (finished object for non-knitters who have so kindly made it through to the end of this post) picture.